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Meeting minutes

NSAAC Business Meeting December 06, 2024
By Tolga T Yazicioglu
Posted: 2024-12-07T17:06:00Z

NSAAC Business Meeting December 06, 2024

President Jim Holland called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.

The meeting was held at the new Boxford Community Center at 10 Elm Street in Boxford, as well as via Zoom.  There were 28 participants (25 in-person and 3 on Zoom).  A quorum of members was present, and the Business Meeting was official.

Guests and new club members were asked to introduce themselves:

  • Guest(s): No guests
  • New Member(s): Louie from Peabody, Cory from East Boston/RI

Officer Reports:

President – Jim Holland:

Jim called for approval of the November Business Meeting Minutes, which were approved by acclamation.  One member noted it was a riveting read!

Vice President – Justin Murray:

Justin provided an update on the 12” Dob he’s been evaluating as part of the Telescope Sales Committee.  

Treasurer – Ron Sampson:

Ron reported we renewed our Post Office Box.  Working through insurance forms for new Insurance policy.  Existing coverage is no longer being offered and ends Jan 10th.  Going to use similar coverage as GAAC.

Secretary – Tolga Yazicioglu:

Tolga provided an update on the Telescope Sales Committee.

Two of the six telescopes were offered for sale to NSAAC Members via the Listserv

  • Meade ETX-70: Sold almost immediately!
  • Meade LX10: Still available; reach out to Tolga if you’re interested.  It will be listed online in the next week or two if there are no Club Members who are interested.

The remaining telescopes will be offered for sale as they are refurbed and ready

Membership Director – John Gall:

John provided an update to Jim, who reported we’ve added 6 new regular members for a total of 115.  Membership renewal notice will go out Mid-December.  Not due until March.

Collins Observatory at Salem State – Dennis Gudzevich:

Dennis provided an update on the Collins Observatory, which has a Meade LX200 12” ACF.  The observatory is typically open on clear Mondays 7pm-10pm when school is in session.

11/4 – Closed due to clouds

11/11 – Closed for Veterans Day

11/18 – Closed 

11/25 – Opened to clear skies, 21 guests, mixed group of students and locals

Upcoming Star Party for Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts on 12/9, with 12/11 as a Cloud Date – long term forecast doesn’t look good, so will likely be pushed out to January and then held as separate events.

Mendel Observatory at Merrimack College – Brewster LaMacchia:

Brewster provided an update on the Mendel Observatory, which has an Optical Guidance Systems (OGS) 20-inch Ritchey-Cretien reflector.  The observatory is typically open on clear Wednesdays.

Opened twice in November, with good attendance at both sessions although unexpected clouds shut down the first session early. Mendel will be closed Dec 25th and Jan 1st.

New training period is under way – let Brewster know if you’re interested in learning how to operate the observatory.

The back focus issue has been solved, with the nice 2" eyepieces now coming to focus.  Optics are definitely improved – guests who attended both last year and a recent session commented on the improved view.  Vibration issue is still planning on getting addressed, but TBD on the start date.

Star Parties – Brewster LaMacchia:

Brewster provided an update on Star Parties.

Battis Farm - great turnout, thanks for everyone who helped out.  75+ attendees, and clouds mostly stayed away.  Some discussion that the local Amesbury club members will talk to the Town to either shield or remove the two annoying streetlights (in summer they are behind trees).

That concludes the 2024 star parties.  Brewster will be working on 2025 calendar in January.  Already received a few requests; will go back to Crane Beach, Parker River, and others again.

Brewster also noted he gave a talk about NSAAC and amateur astronomy at the 495th RC squadron's monthly meeting in Tewksbury. Couple of people with scopes in the audience. Look for a joint event(s) this spring.

Scope Clinic – Bryan Stone & Ron Sampson:

If you have anything on your telescope that you need help with, or if you need help with your telescope, Bryan & Ron can assess your scope, making recommendations, and performing some minor repairs.

Ron provided a quick reminder of the scope clinic purpose.  Send an email and we’ll see what we can help with.

At Large Board Members – Bryan Stone & Cyndi Hopping:

Members at Large are the go-between, so if anyone has any questions or concerns bring them to one of the two of the ALBMs and will pass along to the board at the next board members. 

Cyndi provided a quick reminder of the ALBM purpose, and that her and Bryan are available.

Old Business:

No old business.

New Business:

2025 Club Elections:

Per the NSAAC bylaws, the Board must select a Director of the Nominating Committee by the January 2025 meeting. The Director will put together the nominees for the upcoming March 2025 NSAAC election. If anyone is interested in doing this, it would be great to have your assistance. This is a short-term assignment but will be a big help to the club.  Tolga served in the position last year – reach out to him if you’d like to learn more about the role.

Board of Directors Meeting:

The next Board of Directors meeting will be either 12/16 or 12/17.  If you want to share something with the board, go through the ALBMs.

(12/16/24 - Addition) A Regularly Scheduled Board of Directors Meetings is open for all general members to attend. Any general member(s) may participate in a Board of Directors meeting provided they have secured a place on the meeting agenda with the President.

Club Banner:

Summer provided an update on the Club Banner Committee.  Summer, Jason, and Carla are working on a design for the planned 30”x 40” banner to advertise the club.  Current thought is to have the Club Logo in the center, include the club motto (“Astronomy for the People”), and include QR codes for both PayPal and Stripe.  

The committee is looking for:

  • Vector version of the Logo
  • The font used in the Logo
  • Photos from Club Members to include on the banner
  • There was a suggestion to send a request out to the Listserv to ask for photots

Business Cards:

Small order of NSAAC Business Cards came in.  Will be useful for advertising at Mendel and Star Parties.   

Business Meeting was Adjourned by President Jim Holland at 7:52 PM 

Following the Business Meeting, we were joined by Nico Carver from the YouTube channel Nebula Photos. Nico delivered a presentation on astrophotography using regular camera equipment.

Respectfully submitted,

Tolga Yazicioglu, Secretary